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Secret Meaning


Alternative Names:


Facts & Folkore:

Anemones are flowering plants in the buttercup family sometimes called windflowers.

This flower's Greek name translates to 'daughter of the wind', and was described by by Roman poet Ovid as relating to the frailty of the petals that can be easily blown away by the wind.

According to one legend, the handsome youth Adonis, beloved by the goddess Aphrodite, like many young men, loved to hunt. Aphrodite warned him away from the more dangerous animals, but he ignored her advice and pursued a wild boar, which fatally wounded him with its tusks. Hearing his death groans, Aphrodite searched to find her wounded lover, bringing a silver cup of nectar but finding only drops of his blood. Soon, this transformed into tiny flower buds. Soft winds blew the tiny buds open, and at night blew them away. According to Ovid, this short- living plant reblooms each year in his memory as an everlasting symbol of her grief and love.

Thought to bring luck and protect against evil, legend has it that when the anemone closes its petals, it's a signal that rain is approaching.

In Christianity, red anemones symbolize the blood that Christ shed on the crucifixion.

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