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Calendula officianalis

Secret Meaning

Grief, Despair

Alternative Names:

Pot marigold, ruddles, English marigold, Scottish marigold, Husbandman's Dial, Summer's Bride, Nobody's Flower, golden cornflower, golden daisy, sunflower, yellow bottle, yellow horse daisy, yellow moons and yellow ox-eye, but also include some rather curious names like boodle, bozel, bozzom and buddle.and even Measles Flower!

Facts & Folkore:

The genus name Calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning "little calendar", "little clock" or possibly "little weather-glass". The common name "marigold" refers to the Virgin Mary, "Mary's gold." Long used to decorate tombs on All Soul's Day, this usage may account for its use as a symbol of grief. Despite its traditional meaning, the marigold has long been cultivated and ascribed special and magical attributes and is one of the flowers particularly used in floramancy, flower divination. Water made from marigolds was thought to induce psychic visions of fairies if rubbed on the eyelids. And marigold flowers were added to pillows to encourage prophetic or psychic dreams, especially on St. Luke's Day, October 18t. This plant was said to induce dreams that reveal the true identities of thieves, or of one's future husband! To dream of marigolds was thought to portend future acquisition of property and a happy and wealthy marriage. Many tried to induce such dreams by using the petals as an ingredient in ointments to be used on St. Luke's Day (October 18). As a sun following flower, some believe that if it does not open its petals by seven in the morning, this is a sign of coming rain and thunder that day. Medicinally, marigolds have been used for many conditions from fevers to whooping cough. Marigold water was often used as a remedy for headache or for inflamed eyes. Even just looking at the flowers was thought to help failing eyesight! Flowers are often used in foods, either candied, preserved, or made into wine or added to salads and other dishes, including soups, stews, and cheeses and butters, for flavor and color (as a substitute for saffron).

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