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Cherry Blossom


Cherry Blossom


Prunus serrulata

Secret Meaning

Spirituality, Beauty

Alternative Names:

Facts & Folkore:

The Cherry Blossom, for the beginning of blossom viewing, Hanami. Secret Meaning: Spirituality, Beauty Cherry blossoms are often called Sakura, after the Japanese. Many of the varieties that have been cultivated for ornamental use do not produce fruit. "Hanami" is the centuries-old practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura or ume tree. The custom is said to have started during the Nara period through the Heian period 8th to 12th centuries, with cherry blossoms coming to attract more attention, making hanami was synonymous with sakura. Although the custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, it first spread to samurai society and then to the common people

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