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Secret Meaning

Serenity, Grace, Calmness

Alternative Names:

Facts & Folkore:

The lavender (Lavandula) flower for Epilepsy Awareness Day, Secret Meaning: Serenity, Grace, Calmness The flower lavender (and the colour purple) are symbols for Purple Day, a day for epilepsy awareness, from some of the other many symbolic meanings for this flower, isolation and loneliness. Lavender, one of the most beloved of herbs, and a member of the mint family, has been is use for more than 2500 years for its aromatic, antiseptic, and abilities to calm the nervous system. The English word lavender is generally thought to be derived from Old French lavandre, from the Latin lavare (to wash), referring to the use of infusions of the plants. However it is suggested that this explanation may be apocryphal, and that the name may actually be derived from Latin livere, "blueish." English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) yields an essential oil with sweet overtones, and has historically been used in balms, salves, perfumes, cosmetics, and topical applications. Additionally, varieties of lavender has been used as a spice or condiment in pastas, salads and dressings, and desserts. Long prized for its association with love, Cleopatra is said to have worn lavender to seduce Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, and some claim that the asp that delivered that fatal bite was hidden among her lavender bushes. One of lavender's other meanings, distrust, is said to come from the this legend and tendency of snakes to hide in the roots of lavender bushes. Because of lavender’s purported ability to repel evil, it was often used, especially as incense around Midsummer’s Day in conjunction with St. John’s Wort. Witches are said to prize the herb for its ability to increase clairvoyance, and a mixture chamomile, lavender, mugwort, and rose petals will attract sprites, fairies, brownies, and elves.

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